From the desk of Isiolo South Parliamentary Aspirant Omar J Wako alias KQ

Dear southerners,
Asalam alleikum warakmatulahi wabarakat?first of all I want to thank you all for the warm welkam u have given me since I entered the race to sarve you as mp(isiolo south).I am very happy to be with so many friends in all the corners of the constituency..thank u

Something is happening in isiolo south constituency right now,there is a wind of change.A wind that blows along the Ewaso nyiro river.From kachuru to sericho,to iresaborru,to madogashe .A wind of renewal coming from as far as kinnoye where I was born and raised blowing through kulamawe, boji,Garbatulla,malka daka,Gafarsa,ireskalicha and kombola.A wind from every corner in isiolo south which breath New life into politics .

In this coming election (august 8),southerners have said loud and clear ,that too many families can't make ends meet,that too many seniors are living in poverty. That they have heard enough of same old debates.They deserve better that's why we should dare to bring about change.

Change that is necessary because isiolo south is running in circles.Because for too long we have replaced scandals with different scandals that southerners could not tolerate anymore. Because some people want to benefit from divisive politics.Because issues that matter to most southerners are not yet to be settled.
You have voted so that our infrastructure is improved and what is the situation of our road today?you have voted for the Cdf budget to help improve our schools and pay our childrens school fees in terms of bursaries but what happend  to the Cdf money for the last 4 years??

The situation of our schools and hospitals is worsening everyday and nobody is talking about have rejected scandlas that tarnished politics,but again this year we see thesame story..different leaders same old scandals .For all this reasons you  believe that its tym for change.

Southerners are ready for this friends,am ready to bring this change to isiolo south so that southerners have a strong voice in national every corner of isiolo south my team is ready for this challenge.

Old debates and negative politics that we have seen since the begging of this campaign are exactly what we "kqs team" stay away from,we will never play  so called "SUTI" politics because we know for a fact that this is the biggest mistake we made last  election;please vote for the individual not the party

Some have claimed that am too polite to be a politician as if it is a weakness for a leader to listen to what you my followers have to friends I cannot promise to be less of a good know where I stand and you know I will fight for the priorities you hold clear to defend families and make sure that each and every student  benefit from Cdf invest in providing clean water and other basic necessities and to be a voice of southerners in the national assembly

I am commited to do things differently in isiolo south..Am commited to get results in the first few days as mp of isiolo south in sha Allah not in four years..because people need help now..that's my commitment to friends am ready to be your mp and I fully understand what this means

MPs job is to represent his people effectively in Parliament. Participate in the process of making laws and playing oversight role..I promise to raise all aspects of life that touches on our wellbeing as the people of isiolo south

Am soo determined to move out of my way and bring people together,my friends we will work together to bring values in our matter which clan or sub clan you belong or which party u supported in the past we can put the old debate aside and work together to achieve real change.

We can prove that the cynics are wrong.that its possible for southerners to have a solid representation in the national assembly by voting us but not through voting so called "uniform"

Others will tell u that you have no option but to vote for them,but that's once again old pollitics .you deserve better,you deserve change something is broken and we need to fix it.
It start with a vote you (your vote).And so am calling on you  on 8th august to mark your ballot for change.together we can do this.we can show that here,our priority is improving wellbeing of our people.Have we dare to use words like "change" "hope" and "progress". Here we dare to look beyond old politics and have the audacity to ask for something better..Here we dare to reject " uniform polliticts" and vote leaders as per their track records

The tym has come for someone to take on those responsibilities .we are ready to take on this challenge and it cannot be done without u..let's work together ...let's roll up our sleeves...
Thank u all
Ramadhan Karim to all of u
